Friday, February 02, 2007

Time Out World

We listen to XM Kids on the satellite radio every morning during our short commute to school. Many of the songs I find insufferable and often will insist that we switch over to X-Country or XMU. Any song with Elmo or any of the "Crazy Frog" tunes will necessitate a rapid channel change.

There's one song that I heard recently that I wish they would play on the radio. It's probably one of the best anti-war songs I have ever heard and the first "message intensive" kid's song I have heard in a while. Time Out World by The Sippy Cups says that we need a "Time Out World."

Many days when I hear the news, I wish that I had a huge loudspeaker I could get on and yell to everyone on earth "OK, let's just all chill the hell out... Time-out everyone. No hitting or yelling or (especially) shooting at each other." Put us all in opposite corners until we apologize to each other and admit our mistakes. Ground us all from our TV's and Ferraris and SUV's and Merlot until we are really sorry for hurting each other.

Time-out world. I'd like to live there.

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