Thursday, July 12, 2007

I've been making my way through 2 books slowly- The Seeds of Heaven by Barbara Brown Taylor and Subversive Orthodoxy by Robert Inchausti. One theme that seems to be going on in my head lately is the idea "The Kingdom of God is like _____."

I like the passage in Matthew 13 when Jesus seems to be tossing metaphors around left and right to describe the kingdom of God. Sometimes his all over the place description can be frustrating because he never seems to nail it down into one tangible idea. "It is this, it is that it is treasure, it is mustard, it is leaven," he tells his friends.

Wow I have found that to be really powerful because lately I have found the Kingdom of God to be a little bit of this and that as well.

It is a dishwashing line and cooking asparagus for Rockell at Cafe 458.

It is hanging out with my children, reading them books and driving around Atlanta in my Mom-Mobile.

It is being with someone struggling with addiction, giving them over to God and sitting with them after their relapse.

It is all around us in everything we do, Jesus seems to be telling us. God's Kingdom is tiny, yet big.

So many people in our culture seem to think that God's Kingdom will be a big, magnificent, geo-political location. I couldn't disagree more. We are addicted to our own conceptions, molded by culture and personal history and ego needs, that God's Kingdom has to look and feel a certain way in order to be real or valid. God's Kingdom, Jesus seems to be telling us, is right under our silly noses. If we only stop looking far off in the distance for it we will see it , plain as day.

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