Thursday, September 11, 2008


While it is never my job to judge someone (especially as an Anglican) I think it is OK to ask ourselves questions (often unanswerable) about other people. Like most people American, I have lots of questions about Gov. Palin.

Jean Fitzpatrick, on The Daily Episcopalian has a great column that asks some honest, valid questions of our own (well, not mine but you know what I mean) Republican Party.

"It's worrisome, seeing a Vice Presidential candidate who calls herself as a "bible-based Christian," prays for a natural gas pipeline, and thinks the U.S. mission in Iraq is a task from God. "A lot of people were praying," James Dobson said recently, "and I believe Sarah Palin is God's answer." What was the question?"

Read it yourself, cause she proposes we start using Andrew Sullivan's term for fundies who propose Christianity as Empire- "christianists." Wikipedia, (my favorite place for info-junk) links it (and rightfully so) to dominionism. Dominionism is a scary theology that is widely embraced by many people in the present Republican power structure. It supports things like having a theocratic government- including features like death camps for Gays and Lesbians and stoning adulterers. It is promoted by scary people like RJ Rushdoony and Francis Schaeffer.
These two "thinkers" work undergirds much (if not most) of the crap that spews forth from the Religious Right, and I wish they would get honest and out themselves for who they really are. Read it yourself (OK it is wikipedia, but it is interesting)

I think Sarah Palin's root theology is terrifying. I see it as being radical, anti-American and hateful. As Fitzgerald points out , "The God who loves me loves Muslims and Jews and atheists, blacks, whites, and browns, gays, straights, wearers of flag pins, snowmobile racers, Eastern elites, moms of special needs babies, teens who have abortions, Republicans and Democrats, loves us all."

I don't think our favorite future Grandma will say much of this in her invective.

OK I judged her, but hey, she's Christian so I guess she can forgive me.

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