Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Online can be Rude

OK I caught myself commiting the one sin of online writing- emailing that I would never do. I was really rude to a reporter in an email response I sent her regarding her article in lubbockonline about The Episcopal Church. Yikes. I was on the second day of a fast and was grumpy and it seemed like the thing to do at the time. I think one of the pitfalls of the Internet is that it gives us all one or two degrees of separation from one another and allows a little more rudeness that we would normally show towards one another.

OK. Judge for yourself- here is a link to the article by Beth Pratt ( a reporter from Lubbock and a lovely person, I am sure). Here is my email response to the article:

"Never mind that the system that they propose we live and believe under denies the dignity of all persons (re: homosexuals). You would have only gotten that bit of truth if you had talked to someone from The Episcopal Church. But, it seems that you are under the sway of either your distaste for gays, the PR machine of the Religious Wrong or an arch-conservative editor. Seems like in Journalism school (or did you go??) they would have taught you to tell the truth (try to get both sides in the story). However, it seems you must have skipped class that day. How unfortunate for your readers that they did not get the chance to hear from all voices in this story and get the perspective of The Episcopal Church. "

OK I could have edited a couple of jabs- the one about journalism school in particular...

Here is Ms. Pratt's response:

"Or. Possibly you just missed the first story from the church’s viewpoint. Or, you could be a member of the head-in-the-sand group that would like to pretend nothing is happening. If they would just go away quietly, no one would be disturbed. Right?"

OK so here is the article from the Church's viewpoint:


Judge for yourself. Don't email reporters when you are on the second day of a fast if you want to seem like a nice person.

1 comment:

Campbell Dunson said...

I think we've all been there. Hopefully, Ms. Pratt will read your post and, if she does, I'm sure she'll understand, because we've all been there.

I actually had to kill off my anonymous blog persona (who BTW, I had named after our FU friend Jenni W -- because of her rebellious side :). Anyway, my Jenni just got ENTIRELY too nasty.

Sounds, from the article you referenced, like your leadership is really wise in dealing with the situation. It hurts on all sides.

I don't know who's right or wrong, but I'm really praying for everyone on all sides. Splits are painful.