Friday, November 26, 2004

A Clean Out Day

It is funny how bitter arguments and hostility with someone you really love can just evaporate after a while. I think it can be true that the sun won't go down on the anger you have towards someone you love, sometimes.

My predictions as the househusband were correct: the amount of work was not satisfactory and she was upset with the state of the old house I have been fixing up. I could see her point- here I am, a teacher on summer hiatus, with no summer job lined up and all I have to do is get the other house fixed up. There still remained, as of yesterday, a lot of stuff to do. I had to finish the trim in the garage, begin the last stages of cleaning out the basement and many other little things that added up to not having enough done to be able to put the house up and sell it.

When we drove up to our shingled, three bedroom two and half bath house, I felt really tense. I even wondered if I had left the garage door down. I had, but things were not as they should have been.

No sugar tonight in my coffee, I sang to myself as my ass got chewed.

God I love her.

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